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“Life” Tarot Card Reading

Life Tarot Card Reading
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“Life” Tarot Card Reading: Our traditional Tarot decks contains 78 cards, 22 of which are referred to as the Major Arcana and depict the major changes on our path through life. The remaining 56 cards, known as the Minor Arcana, expand on these themes.

In a Tarot Card Reading, there are 78 cards and each card has 2 representations, upright and reversed, for a total of 156 possible cards.

Your simple and Free Tarot Card Reading is below. The deck was shuffled when you arrived here. Just flip each card one at a time. Random, “Upside Down” cards can appear at anytime. An “Upside Down” card gives an alternate reading. Your reading is interpreted differently depending on the order of the cards. After clicking to reveal the card, click again to see the description!

Click each Tarot Card to reveal it, then click again to see the description. Match to the Card Position Below. Enjoy!

Your “Life” Tarot Card Reading, by Each Tarot Card Position

  1. Right now how you feel about yourself.
  2. Your current desires.
  3. Fears
  4. Forces in your favor.
  5. Forces against you.
  6. Outcome.

The Queen of Cups shows that your actions are influenced by your compassion. She knows that deep down there’s someone in your heart whom you know you’ll never forget. You might have felt that that person was your soulmate, and for whatever reason things didn’t work out between you two. Things will work for you in the future, so don’t despair. The Queen is full of sensitivity and emotions. With great intuition and a higher level of spiritual growth, the Queen of Cups teaches us how to emotionally connect with others. She increases our ability to put ourselves in someone else’s shoes. Show you care.

When you encounter the Queen of Cups Reversed, she is aware of the approach of someone untrustworthy. He or she may take advantage of your willingness to trust in a time of weakness. It represents the loss of love that may very well be the catalyst for your lack of emotional control. The Queen of Cups Reversed is consumed by pessimism, looking toward the sea that threatens to wash her away with great worry. For now, facing the pain must be your top priority. It doesn’t mean you’re weak. It takes a strong person to be vulnerable and in pain. Spending some time by the sea in quiet contemplation may restore your balance.

The Three of Cups is a communication card that focuses on your relationships with your friends and other people of your community. The Three of Cups can also be looked at as a positive sign that Joy and happiness will soon appear, either with investments or with life in general. The card shows three young girls dancing in a circle, while raising their goblets in a toast. They are connected to each other, as represented by their arms reaching out to each other. It signals a wonderful time for you to start enjoying life through good food, and even better wine! You have the best of friends.

When the Three of Cups Reversed appears, it signifies that you may find that financial stresses in life are becoming more frequent and they are starting to affect your relationships. If you are single, a new romantic possibility through friends and or relatives is on its way, but not here yet. The Reversed Three of Cups is telling you that you have to let go of all the hurtful excess baggage in your life and allow yourself to open up to people. Doing this will let them accept you in their lives and in their hearts. This reverse position shows that you have been guilty of doing too much, celebrating too often, and partying too hard.

The King of Swords symbolize mental clarity, authority, truth and intellectual power. The King of Swords sits on a structure which appears more like a pillar than a regal throne. His crown depicts a winged spirit, connecting this man to the element of Air. This King in a reading may be telling you that you must use your head in situations and not let your emotions cloud your good judgment. This card suggests that someone is giving you clear, sound advice, so don’t discount it. But in relationships, the King of Swords does not deal very well with emotions and may not be sensitive to any hurt feelings.

The Reversed King of Swords may suggest weakness and lack of power. The King may have no say over anything in his life and is controlled by others. He is suggesting the need to retreat to find mental stability once again. A Reversed King usually indicates someone who either isn’t leading well or who isn’t getting the respect he or she deserves. It also represents a person who has been so set in their ways for so long that it almost feels impossible to change them. They could be taking life too seriously and need to lighten up. The King of Swords sometimes shows up Reversed when a person is holding back truths they should be telling.

The Queen of Swords represents unbiased opinions, direct communication and independence. Savvy and sophisticated, the Queen of Swords stands for honesty before anything else. She has no time for lies and cover-ups. In relationships, she is forthright and direct preferring to be upfront about everything even if the truth is painful. Like you, she does seek love but can sometimes prefer a meeting of the minds rather than a meeting of the bodies. This card symbolizes your preference to deal with issues there and then and when you feel a relationship is not working out, rather than beat around the bush for weeks, you sever the relationship.

In the depiction of this card we see the Queen with hand out raised as if beckoning someone to her. She is either afraid to speak about her feelings or does not know how. She needs to get things off her chest but it all gets stuck in her throat and is swallowed back down. Like many of us, she may feel her opinions don’t count or that she may sound silly. This Queen of Swords Reversed symbolizes how we seek friendships and love but we do not really understand what they mean. She represents confusion when we accept no responsibility in relationships and will blame our partner for everything that goes wrong.

The Death card signals that one major phase in your life is ending, and a new one is going to start. You just need to close one door, so the new one will open. It represents “transformation” or change. It is seen as a sign that something is coming to an end and to prepare for new growth. The Death card almost always means that a slow, but unrelenting change is coming or is in process. This is a force pretty much outside of your personal control, so the best way to handle the change is to accept that it is happening, don’t fight it, and don’t worry about doing anything until you have your insight.

The Death Card, when Reversed, signals that the changes that are about to come into your life are to be less intense as compared to the upright card. You may be staying in a relationship or a situation that is dead, out of duty and obligation. Things will change. It also points out that it is time to let go instead of resisting, because if you choose not to, the Universe will do it for you. While things inevitably end, they also clear the way for something new. It’s our wake-up call to fully embrace the present moment and the few things that are actually within our control. You will be given a second chance.

When the Judgment card appears in your reading, it indicates that you are in a period of awakening, brought on by the act of self-reflection. You now have a clearer idea of what you need to change and how you need to be true to yourself and your needs. This can mean making small changes to your daily life or making huge changes that not only affect you but the people close to you. Significant life-changing events are about to take place when Judgment comes out in a reading. Judgment is the card of transition from one state to another. Relationships can go from dating to marriage or from dating to endings.

The Judgment Card, when Reversed, indicates taking on burdens, digging oneself deeper into the old life, being haunted by the past and unable to let go. The Judgment Card has us thinking critically about the choices we are presented with and to reflect on past decisions, but opportunities may pass us by as we wallow in self-doubt and indecisiveness. Judgment is symbolic of running away from what you’re truly feeling. There are some hurts that will hurt deeper and mistakes that will be more unforgivable. But Judgment wants you to let the past go and put them to rest. Past is past. It’s time to move on.

Flip all cards

Tarot card reading has been used for centuries to gain insight into the mysteries of life. The “Life” tarot card is a powerful symbol that can reveal hidden truths about your past, present, and future. By understanding the meaning of this card and how it relates to your life, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you. In this guide, we’ll explore the symbolism of the “Life” tarot card and how it can help you unlock the secrets of your destiny.

Interpreting the Tarot Cards.

Tarot card reading is an art that requires interpretation of the symbols and meanings of each card. The “Life” tarot card, for example, can represent new beginnings, growth, and transformation. However, the interpretation of this card can vary depending on the context of the reading and the other cards in the spread. It’s important to work with a skilled tarot card reader who can help you understand the meaning of each card and how it relates to your life. With practice and guidance, you can learn to interpret the tarot cards and unlock the secrets of your destiny.

Applying the Insights from Tarot Card Reading to Your Life.

Tarot card reading can provide valuable insights into your past, present, and future. However, it’s important to remember that the cards are not a guarantee of what will happen in your life. Instead, they offer guidance and advice on how to navigate the challenges and opportunities that come your way. By working with a skilled tarot card reader, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your life path, and use this knowledge to make informed decisions and take positive action. Whether you’re seeking clarity on a specific issue or simply looking to explore the mysteries of life, tarot card reading can be a powerful tool for personal growth and transformation.

When applying the insights from a tarot card reading to your life, it’s important to approach the cards with an open mind and a willingness to learn. Take time to reflect on the messages and symbols presented in the reading, and consider how they relate to your current situation. Ask yourself questions like, “What can I learn from this card?” or “How can I apply this advice to my life?” Remember that the cards are not a substitute for your own intuition and decision-making abilities, but rather a tool to help you tap into your inner wisdom and make more informed choices. By using the insights gained from a tarot card reading to guide your actions and decisions, you can create a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

Understanding the Basics of “Life” Tarot Card Reading.

Tarot card reading is an ancient practice that uses a deck of 78 cards to gain insight into the past, present, and future. Each card has a unique meaning and symbolism, and the way the cards are laid out in a spread can provide a deeper understanding of the situation at hand. Tarot card readers use their intuition and knowledge of the cards to interpret the messages they receive, and offer guidance and advice to their clients. While tarot card reading may seem mysterious or even intimidating to some, it can be a valuable tool for self-discovery and personal growth.

Preparing for a “Life” Tarot Card Reading.

Before your tarot card reading, it’s important to prepare yourself mentally and emotionally. Take some time to reflect on what questions or areas of your life you want to focus on during the reading. It’s also helpful to set an intention for the reading, such as gaining clarity or insight into a specific situation. Make sure you are in a calm and relaxed state before the reading, and avoid consuming alcohol or drugs beforehand. Finally, be open and receptive to the messages and guidance that the cards may provide.

In addition to preparing yourself mentally and emotionally, it’s also important to choose a reputable and experienced tarot card reader. Do some research and read reviews before booking a session. During the reading, don’t be afraid to ask questions or seek clarification on any messages or symbols that may be unclear. Remember that the tarot cards are simply a tool for guidance and insight, and ultimately, the power to make decisions and take action lies within you. Approach the reading with an open mind and a willingness to receive guidance, and you may be surprised at the clarity and direction it can provide for your life.

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